Moving to France from the UK

Are you thinking of leaving the grey skies of the UK behind and moving to the sunnier climes of France? Well, let me tell you, you’re not alone! Many Brits have made the move across the channel, seeking a better quality of life and more affordable living costs.

Of course, moving to France is no small feat, and there are many things to consider before taking the plunge. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most important aspects of moving to France from the UK, from the legalities involved to earning money and finding work, as well as some ideas for areas to live in and the benefits of the French lifestyle.


One of the first things you’ll need to consider when moving to France is the legalities involved. If you’re a UK citizen, you’ll need to make sure you have the necessary paperwork in order to live and work in France. This may include a visa, work permit, or residency permit, depending on your circumstances.

It’s also worth noting that if you’re planning on driving in France, you’ll need to exchange your UK driving licence for a French one. You may also need to have your qualifications recognised if you’re planning on working in a regulated profession, such as medicine or law.

Earning Money and Finding Work

Once you’ve sorted out the legalities, the next thing to consider is how you’re going to earn money and support yourself in France. While there are certainly opportunities for expats, it can be challenging to find work if you don’t speak fluent French.

One option is to start your own business, which can be a great way to earn money and be your own boss. Many expats have found success running gites (holiday rentals) or bed and breakfasts, or by starting up their own businesses in areas such as food and hospitality.

Another option is to work remotely, which has become increasingly popular in recent years. With many companies now allowing employees to work from anywhere in the world, it’s possible to earn a good income without having to speak French fluently.

Areas to Live

France is a big country, and there are many different areas to choose from when it comes to finding a place to live. Some popular areas for expats include the Dordogne, the French Alps, and the Provence region.

The Dordogne is known for its beautiful countryside and quaint towns, while the French Alps offer stunning mountain scenery and world-class skiing. The Provence region is famous for its lavender fields and beautiful coastline, making it a popular choice for those seeking a more relaxed way of life.

Better Lifestyle and Weather

One of the biggest reasons why people choose to move to France is for the better quality of life and more favourable weather. The French lifestyle is often seen as more relaxed and laid-back than in the UK, with long lunches and plenty of time spent outdoors.

In addition, France enjoys a warmer climate than the UK, with mild winters and hot summers. This makes it a great place to enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and swimming.

Final Thoughts

Moving to France from the UK can be a big decision, but it’s one that many expats have found to be rewarding and fulfilling. From the legalities involved to finding work and choosing an area to live in, there are many things to consider before making the move.

However, with a little planning and preparation, it’s possible to enjoy all that France has to offer, from the better quality of life and warm weather to the delicious food and wine. So why not take the plunge and start your new life in France today?